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Canine Companions provides great images, logo, branding guidelines, PSAs, radio scripts and much more to the media.
Your social media posts will help Canine Companions continue to place expertly trained service dogs with people with disabilities free of charge!
The Canine Companions Southeast Region was selected by Southface Institute to receive a $60,000 check through their GoodUse grant program
View the July 2023 eNews for Canine Companions, featuring the story of Dr. Cara Miller of Gallaudet University and her service dog Frankie
Canine Companions future service dog Brutus represented our mission during Red, White & BOOM, the largest Independence Day celebration in the Midwest.
View the June 2023 eNews for Canine Companions, featuring the viral sensation of Grace and her service dog Justin graduating from Seton Hall University
Two years ago, while working as a therapist at Camp Good Grief- a summer camp for kids dealing with the loss of a loved one, Kate Swezey learned about Canine Companions. Before long, she was filling out an application for a facility dog!
The 22nd service dog raised by Delaware man starts the day greeting 617 children.
In May 2023, Canine Companions graduate Grace and service dog, Justin graduated as one team from Seton Hall University in New Jersey!
Canine Companions will be featured in an upcoming episode of the beloved children’s series Sesame Street! The heartwarming segment, “P is for Pets”, features nine-year-old Emmy and her Canine Companions service dog, Skip.
View the May 2023 eNews for Canine Companions, featuring our Spring Companion issue!
Canine Companions recently began a new puppy raising program at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center. Read more!