Canine Companions service dog with person who is sitting on a fallen tree

February 2021 eNews


Charlie is a veteran and one of thousands of graduates who have received service dogs from Canine Companions®.

Two Canine Companions puppies sitting in front of an airplane

Volunteer Pilots Transport Future Service Dogs


When the coronavirus pandemic made transporting future service dogs on commercial flights increasingly difficult, Canine Companions looked to private pilots for help and they stepped up in a big way, allowing the mission to continue in a difficult year.

two people sitting and holding a Canine Companions puppy

Miller and Bahama


13-year-old Sacramento resident Miller, who has a rare neurodegenerative disease, received Skilled Companion Bahama free of charge last year. Bahama helps Miller be more confident in public, uses her skills to play therapeutic games with him, accompanies him to therapy appointments, hospital stays and more.

Honoring Tommy Lasorda


The entire Canine Companions community expresses our heartfelt condolences in the loss of a true icon, Tommy Lasorda.

three people with Canine Companions service dog

January 2021 eNews


In 2020, Nick Antlitz was matched with Canine Companions® Service Dog Zach. The two have been inseparable ever since as Nick’s independence has soared.

Canceled and Postponed Events due to COVID-19 Training Center


For precautionary reasons related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), some upcoming events have been postponed. As a non-profit organization that relies 100% on fundraising and private donations, it is our hope that you will continue to fundraise and donate. Thank you…

person in wheelchair leaning down to kiss Canine Companions service dog

Luke and Rummy


Nine years ago, Luke was in a snowboarding accident that left him with a spinal cord injury. Luke was left unable to walk and had to adjust to navigating life in a wheelchair. In 2019, Luke found his perfect match in Service Dog Rummy.