Meet Ranger, an adorable black Labrador and Golden Retriever puppy from Canine Companions. He is now part of the regular lineup of the Pensacola Ice Flyers and is sure to become a crowd-pleasing entity.

Meet Ranger, an adorable black Labrador and Golden Retriever puppy from Canine Companions. He is now part of the regular lineup of the Pensacola Ice Flyers and is sure to become a crowd-pleasing entity.
Just like Mickey Mouse and Pluto are a dynamic duo, so are Walt Disney World Resort Tri-Circle- D Ranch Manager Robin Walker and Walt, her Canine Companions puppy.
Meet Watson an adorable black Labrador and Golden Retriever puppy from Canine Companions. He is now part of the regular lineup of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos and is sure to become a crowd-pleasing entity.
Canine Companions’ puppies, future service dogs, arrive at John Glenn International Airport to meet their volunteer puppy raisers.
National nonprofit Canine Companions® launches two-week live puppy cam featuring six-week-old future service dogs.
Canine Companions puppy Bolt was featured during Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl pregame show before this year’s Super Bowl.
Wynn, a Canine Companions service dog in training, brought joy and comfort to the medical staff on the front lines of the coronovirus fight in Denver in 2020. Now, she is about to enter professional training and received a sendoff party from hospital staff.
The Northeast Region Advisory Board is extremely active in their local communities!
Will Gibney, at 17, has written a book about the dog that changed his life.
“Toshi is my service dog,” says Will in this week’s Enterprise podcast. “He means so much to me because for years he’s been by my side.”
A small private airplane landed at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks on Wednesday night, and delivered sweetness, joy and hope to nine families waiting on the tarmac.
Nine 8-week-old puppies, which were flown from California, were carried off the plane one by one and handed over to the people who will begin their training to become assistance dogs for people with disabilities.