image showing the 2022 canine companions puppy calendar

Shopping For Good


Many organizations partner with Canine Companions to donate a portion (or all!) of their proceeds to help give children, adults and veterans with disabilities greater independence and confidence.
Check out some of the ways you can shop and support Canine Companions at the same time!

Service dog and puppy in training seating in the grass

Take Action to Keep Service Dogs Safe


Canine Companions cares about service dogs and pets. Canine Companions is asking the community to amplify our voice by signing our petition supporting the Hot Cars Act

Girl in wheelchair smiling at a golden retriever dog sitting on her lap who is wearing a blue vest with the text Canine Companions

Love at First Sight


The love between Naomi and Service Dog Inga is irreplaceable. Inga enhances Naomi’s confidence to explore and engage with the world around her. Although there is an abundance of advanced technology that people with disabilities can rely on to further their independence, Service Dog Inga’s deep affection and support can never be replicated.