a  young boy in a sheriff's outfit

March 2021 eNews


13-year-old California resident Miller, who has a rare neurodegenerative disease, received Skilled Companion Bahama free of charge last year.

Peter, Joann and John standing together at Grand Opening

Honoring Volunteer John Elliott


In celebration of Black History Month, we would like to honor a great leader and beloved member of the Canine Companions® family, John Elliott.

Canine Companions service dog with person who is sitting on a fallen tree

February 2021 eNews


Charlie is a veteran and one of thousands of graduates who have received service dogs from Canine Companions®.

Two Canine Companions puppies sitting in front of an airplane

Volunteer Pilots Transport Future Service Dogs


When the coronavirus pandemic made transporting future service dogs on commercial flights increasingly difficult, Canine Companions looked to private pilots for help and they stepped up in a big way, allowing the mission to continue in a difficult year.