A red background full of hearts with the text Help make life-changing love connections! and the image of a pair of glasses with heart shaped lenses with the image of a boy and a yellow lab in each

February 2023 eNews


View the February 2023 eNews for Canine Companions, including our February love connection campaign.

Labrador laying down on a snowy area together, wearing a yellow vest and collar

January 2023 eNews


View the January 2023 eNews for Canine Companions, including an overview of our successful 2022 year.

Puppy with his eyes closed with a string of christmas lights around his neck

December 2022 eNews


View the December 2022 eNews for Canine Companions, including Nicole Swanson’s story about her work with Facility Dog Westley.

a young girl in a wheelchair hunching over hugging a Labrador sitting on a pavement outside

November 2022 eNews


View the November 2022 eNews for Canine Companions, including Zoe and Zelda’s story, Veterans, and other stories from the Winter Companion.

A woman with her son sit on a sofa with their yellow lab service dog

October 2022 eNews


View the September 2022 eNews for Canine Companions, including Shannon’s story about Wink and her son Colt.

Seven labs in blue service vests in a field of wildflowers

September 2022 eNews


View the September 2022 eNews for Canine Companions, including information on how to interact with a service dog and more.

Veteran hugging his service dog Dixon

August 2022 eNews


View the August 2022 eNews for Canine Companions including a story about U.S. Marine Roger Rua and his service dog for PTSD Dixon.

man and a Labrador sitting on a bench, with the man embracing the dog

July 2022 eNews


View the July 2022 eNews for Canine Companions, including James who got his life changing hearing dog after scrolling through Instagram.

Man in a gray track suit walks along a road with his black lab in blue service vest

June 2022 eNews


View the June 2022 eNews for Canine Companions, including Bernard placed with PTSD graduate Omar, as well as the 2021 Annual Report.

Four dogs in graduation hats

May 2022 eNews


View the May 2022 eNews for Canine Companions, including the Canine Companions national graduation day!