Collaborations and Partners
Canine Companions is at the forefront of the service dog industry, thanks to cutting edge research in collaboration with major canine health and cognition organizations. Long-term studies on health, cognition, and behavior help Canine Companions understand the many factors contributing to how dogs can succeed as service dogs.
Partnering with well-known research programs, such as the Duke Canine Cognition Center at Duke University and the Arizona Canine Cognition Center at the University of Arizona, Canine Companions collects data to understand the flexibility and potential of dog cognition, the intricacies of the human-animal bond, and how service dogs can best support our clients to lead independent lives.

Veterinarians Honor Canine Companions!
“The work of our local volunteer veterinarians is critical to our mission”.

Catch Canine Companions on National Geographic’s “The World According to Jeff Goldblum” on Disney+
Learn about Canine Companions service dogs that are featured on National Geographic’s “The World According to Jeff Goldblum” season 2 streaming on Disney+.