Dr. Cara Miller, an associate professor of psychology and faculty member in the clinical psychology doctoral program at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., has a deep appreciation for her unique canine partners who have been by her side. Together with her service dog, Frankie, they work on new sounds that people with hearing may take for granted, such as the shrill whistle of the teakettle; the sirens from approaching emergency vehicles; or the sound of someone calling out their name. Frankie empowers her to make every day Independence Day.

Happy Disability Pride Month!
July is Disability Pride Month! Our mission is to provide greater independence to people with disabilities by partnering them with expertly trained service dogs. Throughout the month, we will be featuring client stories from across the country, highlighting what disability pride means to them – and how their service dogs have impacted their lives.
From clients and volunteers to corporate partners and community members, everyone has been impacted by or has made a difference to Canine Companions – and they all have a story to tell. Visit our website to learn about their personal stories and to submit your own.
Dog lovers unite! DogFest, our annual signature event, is a fun-filled festivity celebrating the mission of Canine Companions and the life-changing impact we make on our clients and communities. Get the ultimate experience by starting a fundraiser, and invite your friends and family to join, too!

In The News
- Yahoo Finance: Four-Legged Caregiver Newest Team Member at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital *
- Fox | Orlando: Meet Donatello, Labrador Helping Patients Rebuild Their Strength at Orlando Health*
- CBS | San Francisco: Marine Veteran, Former Inmate Reaping Benefits From Service Dog Trained in Special Prison Program*
- Fox | New York: From Battlefields To Best Friends: Claudio, the Service Dog Changing a Veteran’s Life*
- CBS | Pittsburgh: PTL Pupdate: Roberto Visits With Stormy*
- NBC | Little Rock: Canine Companions Spread Awareness About Service Dogs in Central Arkansas*

*Please be aware that by clicking this link, you are visiting sites that are not managed by Canine Companions. Website security, accessibility and privacy policies may be different than Canine Companions policies. Please read their policies closely.