Canine Companions for Independence is proud to have been a part of the Combined Federal Giving Campaign since 1993.
We rely on the support of those who choose Canine Companions as their charity of choice in their workplace CFC giving campaigns. And we’re grateful for all the support we receive through the Combined Federal Giving Campaign. Please choose Canine Companions as your charity of choice, #11647.
About Canine Companions for Independence:
Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships. Headquartered in Santa Rosa, CA, Canine Companions is the largest non-profit provider of assistance dogs, and is recognized worldwide for the excellence of its dogs, and the quality and longevity of the matches it makes between dogs and people. The result is a life full of increased independence and loving companionship.
Learn more about the four types of assistance dogs we train >>
Wounded Veterans Initiative:
Canine Companions for Independence has provided many assistance dogs to US war veterans across the country. With the increase in wounded veterans who could benefit from an assistance dog, we knew we could help and in 2008 we launched our Veterans Initiative.
For a veteran making a new start putting their life back together from an injury, an assistance dog can provide the help they need to regain independence.