Corporations are integral to the growth of Canine Companions nationally and regionally. Learn more about our partners, how they are enhancing their brand through their affiliation with us and how you may get involved.

Canine Companions enjoys relationships with a diverse group of public and private foundations, and with corporations that support our mission.

Canine Companions works with Human Resources Directors to provide fun and informative "Lunch and Learns" for employees interested in the human/animal bond and our mission on behalf of people with disabilities.

Influencers and Ambassadors
Meet our celebrity and ambassador partners and learn how they work with Canine Companions.

No Job Is Too Big. No Pup Is Too Small.™
Nickelodeon and the PAW Patrol pups from Adventure Bay and Dino Rescue have partnered with Canine Companions to raise awareness around “real working dogs” and the amazing jobs they do to help children and adults with disabilities have greater independence.
The PAW Patrol team has welcomed a new addition to the pup pack: Rex! Rex is a Bernese Mountain Dog with awesome “walking wheels” (also known as a wheelchair, if you’re human!). Check out our PAW Patrol page to engage your kids in conversation about disabilities and service dogs.
Learn More About Disabilities and Service Dogs >>

Become a Community Supporter
Now it’s easier than ever to make Canine Companions your charity of choice! When your business, organization or club becomes an official Community Supporter, you will be supporting the most highly acclaimed and accredited service dog organization in the United States.
Just complete our application, and upon approval, a Canine Companions representative will follow up with you to discuss next steps for your in-store and online fundraiser.