Your gift has TWICE the impact today!
Since 1975, Canine Companions has paired expertly trained service dogs with people with disabilities and veterans who have sacrificed their own independence to protect our country.
Your gift directly assists hundreds of people waiting for their own FREE service dog to help increase independence and peace of mind. For a limited time, your gift is automatically matched, dollar for dollar, up to $55,000.
Help bring renewed confidence and independence to our nation’s heroes.

At 17 years old, April Duckson Jackson was full of hope that joining the military would set her on a positive path. However, the realities of sexual harassment and assault in military ranks left April with invisible scars – anxiety, depression and PTSD.
“I went from being optimistic and overachieving to an insecure and discouraged young woman,” April says. She hoped to be free of the trauma left by her time in service.
Her optimism wasn’t misplaced – April recently gained a new “battle buddy” in Canine Companions Service Dog Rhapsody.
Rhapsody is trained to interrupt April’s anxiety, redirecting her and letting April know she’s safe. Though April describes living with PTSD like a prison in her head, Rhapsody is helping her finally regain her freedom. “Now, I’m eagerly thinking of things I can do, instead of feeling like everything’s impossible.”
report being more comfortable going to medical and VA appointments.
report feeling more comfortable in public places.
report an improvement in their PTSD symptoms.
report using anxiety interruption tasks daily or a few times per week.
report a decrease in nightmares and night terrors.
report a decrease in medication use.

“Without Trapper, I wouldn’t have the confidence to give life the justice it deserves. His training in nightmare and anxiety interruption allows me to rely on him – not another human.” – Karen Steelman, U.S. Air Force veteran, with Trapper

“Living with chronic pain and mobility restrictions can be isolating. Getting a service dog is nothing short of remarkable. Navy has given me back my independence. I can’t imagine life without him.” – Col. Chuck Graf, U.S. Air Force (Ret.) with Navy