Young girl in her wheel chair and her service dog

Emma and Service Dog Marcia


Together, Emma and service dog Marcia are doing all of the activities Emma loves, with greater confidence and the joy that only a special dog can provide.

Bari and Service Dog Anikan holding her purse in a mall

Bari and Service Dog Anikan


Service dog Anikan assists with complex tasks like retrieving the charger for her wheelchair, grabbing her debit card from the ATM and more.

man in a wheel chair with his service dog

Gavin and Service Dog Epic


In addition to helping Gavin in the zoo gift shop, service dog Epic has his plate full as Gavin’s classmate.

David and Service Dog Kellen standing at the beach

David and Service Dog Kellen


Kellen provides even more sense of safety and peace of mind for David, thanks to his training to mitigate symptoms of PTSD. Tasks like anxiety interruption and creating a buffer in crowds have been life-altering for David’s ability to connect with the world around him.