Canine Companions® has an extensive photo collection. All photos below are full color, and available in web-ready (low resolution) and compressed press-ready jpegs.
Photographs may be used for reproduction for news, editorial, or educational purposes but not in any manner that would violate the rights of any person, firm, or corporation. Our photographs may not be used for advertising or trade. Canine Companions photographic materials may not be added to any stock photo collection. We reserve the right to refuse requests we deem either inappropriate to the mission of the Canine Companions or insensitive to the individuals depicted.
Copyright and credit must be attributed to Canine Companions each time an image is used. Please read the Terms of Use before downloading photos.
For more information on Canine Companions, see our frequently asked questions or contact us.
Public service announcements for television and radio are currently available. They are designed to help educate people on service dogs and spread the word on the mission of Canine Companions.
Canine Companions Sizzle Reel PSA – From Puppy to Hero [ 1:51 ]
Canine Companions Sizzle Reel PSA [ :60 ]
Canine Companions Sizzle Reel PSA [ :30 ]
Canine Companions Sizzle Reel PSA [ :15 ]
For more information contact us. Thank you for your help increasing awareness of Canine Companions.