With numerous giving levels and member benefits, the Empower Independence Society offers unique experiences and exclusive opportunities for individuals to further connect with our mission. Additionally, we are pleased to introduce the Hero Society, a distinguished, lifetime-giving society. Our generous donors’ investment in independence makes our mission possible, and we’re honored to bring more of our mission to you.

As a Supporter, you will receive recognition for your investment at unique regional opportunities.
Receive access to our materials and milestones, including an impact report and a mission moment thank you!
Experience a one-of-a-kind deeper dive mission package with custom mission opportunities.
Receive VIP access to special events and meet other Society members in important round-table discussions with Canine Companions.
See the mission in action through personalized communications with our graduate teams and Canine Companions leadership.
Receive the ultimate one-on-one, 360 degree Canine Companions experience. Meet our clients and get exclusive access to behind the scenes meetings with organization decision makers.
Our premier level based on lifetime cumulative giving is the Hero Society. Exclusive benefits include ongoing organization-wide recognition, VIP events and naming a future service dog.