The Greatest Gift of All
What is the greatest gift of all for people with disabilities? Improved outlook about their futures; stronger relationships with loved ones; and their ability to feel more pride and confidence again.
This priceless gift is intangible, yet, who makes it all possible comes in the form of four fluffy paws, with an abundance of love and trained in expert skills – a Canine Companions service dog.
Canine Companions provides expertly trained service dogs and a lifetime of follow-up services to qualified clients who match with our dogs, all completely free of charge.
This holiday season, you can provide the greatest gift to more children, adults and veterans with disabilities.
Simeon with Service Dog Bojan The greatest gift a mom could ask for.

– Mary Evelyn Smith, Simeon’s Mom
Stories Of Independence

Jim with Service Dog Koogle The greatest gift he didn’t know he needed.
“What I learned is, I don’t know what I don’t hear. Koogle has started alerting me when my name is called in crowded places, because I can’t distinguish my name from others. With Koogle present, I don’t have to explain that I am hard-of-hearing.” – Jim
Erica with Service Dog Oso The greatest gift of independence.