Long Island Chapter

Long Island Chapter

Canine Companions
Northeast Region


The Long Island chapter of Canine Companions plays a vital role in supporting the organization’s mission to provide expertly trained service dogs to people with disabilities.

The chapter creates a welcoming community for puppy raisers, graduates, and volunteers, fostering connections through local events and outreach. With a focus on education, advocacy, and active engagement, the Long Island chapter works tirelessly to raise awareness and funds that directly support the training and placement of service dogs. Through volunteer-led initiatives, the chapter creates a meaningful impact across the region.


Volunteer Opportunities with the Long Island Chapter

Are you looking for volunteer opportunities with animals near you on Long Island? The Long Island Chapter offers various ways to make a difference:

Whether you’re interested in animal volunteering, event planning, or general support, there’s a role for every passion. When you volunteer with Canine Companions, you help improve lives by providing service dogs to those in need.

Get Involved and Stay Connected

Whether you want to volunteer locally or virtually, there are many ways to get involved. Stay connected by joining our email list and attending chapter meetings and events.

For more volunteering opportunities, please click here.


Long Island Chapter Events

Have Canine Companions attend your event

We love to share our story! Canine Companions volunteers, graduates, and puppy raisers are available to attend meetings and events throughout the region.

If you are interested in a Canine Companions representative attending an event for your group, organization, or company, please complete this online form, and we will contact you to set up a presentation.

DogFest Long Island

DogFest Long Island is our signature fundraising event, bringing the community together for a great cause. Celebrate the love of dogs while supporting an important mission.

Learn more about DogFest Long Island.

Events in the Northeast Region

The Northeast region hosts several Canine Companions events throughout the year that help raise awareness, funds, and support for the organization.

Long Island Chapter Events

Dogfest Long Island

Canine Compaions Dogfest Give a Dog a Job

Dogfest is our annual signature fundraising event.

Stay tuned for more details on this year’s live event.

Events in the Northeast Region


Long Island Chapter Officers


Pam Recchio

Vice President

Linda Herskowitz


Joan Tschopp

Social Media Management

Lauren Hemmerly